New Chat UX, Default-On Composer, New Cursor Tab Model

  • We have a new chat UX! Excited for you to try it out and share your thoughts.
  • Composer is now default-on and available to all Pro/Business users by hitting cmd+I. We've added Composer Projects (beta), which allows you to share instructions among several composers.
  • We've also trained a new Cursor Tab model that's smarter and more context-aware.
  • Auto imports (beta) for Cursor Tab for TypeScript files - when Tab suggests an unimported symbol, we'll now auto-import it to your current file. You can enable it in Settings > Features > Cursor Tab!

UPDATE (0.40.1 - 0.40.4): Fixes a bug with apply on remote ssh, a few chat bugs, speeds up Cursor Tab for Europe/Asia users, fixes some outstanding Cursor Tab bugs and notifications hiding the chat input, and includes a fix for Cursor asking for permissions for files in your ~/Library folder on MacOS (upstream issue: microsoft/vscode#208105)