

In AI input boxes such as in Cursor Chat and Cmd K, you can reference entire files by using @Files. Also, if you continue to type after @, you will see your file search results after the @Code strategy.

In order to make sure the file you’re referencing is the correct file, Cursor will show a preview of the file’s path. This is especially useful when you have multiple files with the same name in different folders.

Image 1

Chat Long File References

In Cursor’s Chat, if the contents of a file is too long, Cursor will chunk the file into smaller chunks and rerank them based on relevance to the query.

Image 2

Cmd K Chunking Strategy

For Cmd K, Cursor uses the file references differently based on the content length as well.

  • auto
    • Automatically pick one of the three reading strategies based on the file size
  • full file
    • The entire file is used as context.
  • outline
    • Cursor parses the outline of the file and uses the information as context.
  • chunks
    • Cursor chunks the file into smaller chunks and picks the most relevant one.

Image 3

Drag and Drop

You can drag and drop files from the primary sidebar into Chat or Cmd K to add them as context as well.