Advanced Features

Tab in Peek

You can also use Cursor Tab in the “Go to Definition” or “Go to Type Definition” peek views. This is useful, for example, when adding a new argument to a function call.

We especially enjoy using this in vim in conjunction with gd to, for example, modify a function definition, then fix all of its usages in one go.

Cursor Prediction

Cursor can also predict where you will go to after an accepted edit. If available, you will be able to press tab to go to the next location, allowing you to tab-tab-tab through edits.

Cursor predicted the next location, and suggested an edit there.

Partial Accepts

You can accept the next word of a suggestion by pressing Ctrl/⌘ and the right arrow (or by setting editor.action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextWord to your preferred keybinding).

To enable partial accepts, navigate to Cursor Settings > Features > Cursor Tab.