Troubleshooting Guide

The following is a list of information that is helpful to retrieve for most troubleshooting scenarios within Cursor:

01) Screenshot of issue (redact any sensitive information)

02) Steps to reproduce

03) System Information from:

Cursor > Help > About

04) Are you using a VPN or Zscaler?

05) Developer tools console errors

Open developer tools via:

Cursor > Help > Toggle Developer Tools

and then click Console and see if there are any related errors.

06) Logs

On Windows, you can find logs here:



This is the parent folder of the folder that is opened when doing:

  • Ctrl + Shift + P (to open command palette in Cursor)

  • Typing and selecting Developer: Open Logs Folder

You can also view logs in Cursor > Terminal > Output and then click on the dropdown and select Window or one of the other Cursor specific options, such as Cursor Tab or Cursor Indexing & Retrieval.